OliFiles97: you there?
Everybodypoops44: yeah
OliFiles97: cool, when will you be back around
OliFiles97: also what are you doing after this semester...i am on sababtical myself
Everybodypoops44: not sure probably be around the 13th or so
Everybodypoops44: i am a couple semesters away from finishing
OliFiles97: so no sababtical?
Everybodypoops44: i already finished mine
OliFiles97: damn
Everybodypoops44: yeah
OliFiles97: well everyone else is into bad shit, and if you want to just hang out it’s cool with me
Everybodypoops44: What is everyone up to these days?
OliFiles97: h
OliFiles97: its really not that great
Everybodypoops44: whos still around?
OliFiles97: the general, and the humlys when they come up for more h
OliFiles97: the general is still alright
OliFiles97: everyone else is a thief
OliFiles97: it breaks my heart to say that but thats how it is
Everybodypoops44: i believe it
OliFiles97: fucking fiends
Everybodypoops44: yeah
Everybodypoops44: dumbass bitches man
Everybodypoops44: they will die soon
OliFiles97: make your bed and lie in it
Everybodypoops44: and we will live through thier death .
Everybodypoops44: hows nate doin, do you know?
OliFiles97: no, there was a big falling out over a bunch of shit and i dont have contact with nate also ross is scarce as usual
OliFiles97: stad is gone
Everybodypoops44: ya
Everybodypoops44: tosh on drugs?
OliFiles97: probably he’s in the thick of it
Everybodypoops44: i know at least pizzolla is doing all right
OliFiles97: thank god
OliFiles97: or whatever
OliFiles97: you know
Everybodypoops44: yea h
Everybodypoops44: is the general all h now or is he still chill
OliFiles97: occasionally
Everybodypoops44: did the oc dealers get arrested, or did the kids just finally realize that doing herons everyday is cheaper
OliFiles97: they will all go down
OliFiles97: thats the path
OliFiles97: but i got a job and shit so its not like i'll be scrounging come new years or any other time, nice flush bank account etc
Everybodypoops44: the busy life is the good life
OliFiles97: you're talking to someone who wants to shoot himself currently so i dont know about that
OliFiles97: they still haven't "fixed" my head
Everybodypoops44: it makes my heart feel dark to hear these things about home
OliFiles97: sorry its the truth
Everybodypoops44: no sorry
OliFiles97: im still here, im still me, i still have honor and decency
Everybodypoops44: right
Everybodypoops44: well dont shoot yourself
OliFiles97: im trying not too
OliFiles97: thanksgiving is ass-fest 2007
Everybodypoops44: good
OliFiles97: so i'll be around at least for that
OliFiles97: also christmas is ass-fest
OliFiles97: but i told my girl that when im with my friends they come first
OliFiles97: she can just sit there if she wants to be there at all
Everybodypoops44: thats how it goes
OliFiles97: exactly, shes happy enough to just let me be me (god thats strange)
Everybodypoops44: hah well thats good enough
OliFiles97: amen
OliFiles97: cant wait to see you
OliFiles97: still got my numbeer? otherwise i start calling the 14th
Everybodypoops44: yeah man, it will be good to sit down. I think I have it.
OliFiles97: fuck yeah, i need a peer (if you'll allow me the title) to hang out with
OliFiles97: got some good ideas
Everybodypoops44: its gotta be killing you to just be up there with the empty containers of everyone we used to know everyday
OliFiles97: like i said i feel like shooting myself
OliFiles97: they are all different people
Everybodypoops44: yeah
OliFiles97: barely recognizable as the people they were....OC and H took a toll on our group
OliFiles97: its like me and you now
Everybodypoops44: yeah im sorry man i feel for you
OliFiles97: its alright, i feel for you, they are your friends too
OliFiles97: but they cant be trusted its sad
OliFiles97: i dont care anymore what their story is i give out no more loans
OliFiles97: the bank of oliver files is closed
OliFiles97: robbed too many times
Everybodypoops44: all banks are destroyed now. we have been robbed.
OliFiles97: exactly, im glad you are still in good mind and body
OliFiles97: everyone will get pissed i talked shit about them but fuck that its what they are and its what they do
OliFiles97: you kow i stay on the wine
Everybodypoops44: i talked to humly the other day, he sounded all right. I never would of guessed. Yeah I have been fighting through it. you know how it goes. some days the tv is where i am and I sit and do nothing just to carry on. But other days there is energy. everyday is like church. if church was something worthwhile and not just a buisness.
Everybodypoops44: yeah i have started drinking a little more
OliFiles97: more than happy to give you the tour when you get here. i dont do bars but i crack a bottle
Everybodypoops44: yeah we can crack a bottle.
OliFiles97: im into german whites still, and ruby ports (mostly)
Everybodypoops44: i have been exploring the whiskies of the world
OliFiles97: we'll get a good cigar or two and have a cognac and cigar night
OliFiles97: amen for whiskey
Everybodypoops44: yeah
OliFiles97: fuck yeah we are on the same level man.... its gonna be fun to hang out with a real person again
Everybodypoops44: defiantly
OliFiles97: but i got to go finish this damn paper....i swear ill start calling the 14th im starved for stimulation
OliFiles97: but yeah when you get your plans in order let me know, i say we start with cheese pizza
Everybodypoops44: i nice tony's trip
OliFiles97: EXACTLY
OliFiles97: but i g2g..illl talk to you later about schedules..i got busy work until the 17th
OliFiles97: peace
Everybodypoops44: bye
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